How to Write a New Pop Song – It Doesn’t Have to Be Hard!

How to Write a New Pop Song – It Doesn’t Have to Be Hard!

When you’re trying to write a new pop song, it can be difficult to know where to begin. If you want to make a hit single, you might think about writing a love song. That is, writing a song about falling in love or a dream about being in love can help you write a hit single if you put your heart into it. Unfortunately, those songs rarely sell very well. Why?

new pop song

You see, the problem with writing a new pop song that will sell is that it doesn’t sound very personal to you. Sure, you know how to write a hit song, but it’s a different kind of song. Most songs are written about something that a person could identify with and talk about in their everyday life with others. However, a song about “taking a bath” will only bring out the person who is taking a bath…and no one else. That’s not what people want to hear when they go to a pop concert.

So how do you learn how to write a new pop song? One way is by finding an artist with a similar sound to your own. Chances are the artist might even ask you to sing on their song if you can’t write a decent song on your own. Sometimes you won’t have to pay an artist to write a song for you…just ask!