What Makes Music Great?

What Makes Music Great?


What Makes Music Great?

Music is the process of arranging sounds in sequence to form a particular composition in accordance with the fundamental principles of melody, harmony, timing, and rhythm. It is one of the most universal artistic elements of all human cultures. The history of music goes far back into the history of recorded sound, in particular the music of cave men. Today, modern technology has developed remarkable improvements that have made recording and reproducing music both easy and cheap.

Music, according to many experts, is an important part of human communication, conveying feelings, motivating actions, communicating goals and determining priorities, among many other things. Some forms of music, like classical music, are considered sacred and require a special degree of hearing, musical understanding, and talent. The musical forms of non-classical music include rock ‘n’ roll, jazz, folk music, classical music, hip hop, and many others. Music is produced by the arrangement of sounds in different ways and on various instruments. Most commonly used musical instruments are piano, string guitar, drums, and the popular piano.

Musical notation refers to a system of numbers, which are used to indicate the pitch, tone, rhythm and other characteristics of musical notes. It is an alphanumeric system of musical symbols, using which music is written or read. The musical score often sounds like music when played on the appropriate instruments, but it is equally important for the conductor to ensure that he musical instruments are tuned properly so that the desired sound is achieved when the music is played. Music differs from other forms of art because the process of creation requires great attention to details and a highly skilled hand. There are some famous composers who have achieved worldwide popularity.