Types of Music That Can Make Great Songs

Types of Music That Can Make Great Songs

A song is a hymn sung by the common voice to praise the God or the spirits. This may be done at specified and different pitches with certain structures of silence and sound. Most songs consist of various types, including those incorporating both the repeated and varied usage of simple sections. The melody consists of the central theme which may be either expressed or implied by musical instruments and other lyrics. The harmony lays the foundation for the rest of the song by means of contrasting sounds and tones in the background.


The use of an accompaniment is quite common in most popular music especially in America. An accompaniment in a song can be defined as the use of another voice to give the melody or accompaniment the melodic effect. The main types of accompaniments are chorus, bridge, verse and non-verse.

A part song, also known as a leading line, is a repetitive part of a melody that repeats itself in a minor key, and has no vocal counterpart. Leading lines occur frequently in nursery rhymes and children’s songs. Part song writers often borrow this idea to fill the lyrics with a different or newer theme, or they may simply follow the melody word for word to create something completely different.