Types Of Music And Their Types
Types Of Music And Their Types
A song is simply a musical composition meant to be played on the human voice. This can be done in varying and varied tones with varying patterns of silence and repetition. Most songs feature various types, including the repetitive and repeated version of basic parts. A song can have a beginning, a chorus, and an ending. In music theory a song is usually categorized as being “determinant” or “irrefutable.”
Varying tonality is an important part of a song and is very common in classical music. The use of a treble clef for a song (a note that appears three times in a scale) is common in most ballads. The use of bass clef for a song (a bass note which appears twice in a scale) is also common. In a song a clef may be used for both a bass line and a treble line. Examples of this are the opening lines of A Day In The Life and Starry Night. In jazz a single clef, often the same as the bass clef, can be used for a line of rhythm in a song.
In the modern world of pop music, a lot of songs are written around popular songs that are popular to the audience. These songs are written around a single main article, be it the melody, beat, or line of lyrics. A classical art song written around a hit by one of today’s biggest pop stars would not be considered a proper opera by most classical musicians. However, a pop song written around a hit by one of today’s biggest pop stars would almost certainly be considered a great classical work. The difference between a pop song and a classical piece is that the pop song is written around a single main article, the melody, beat, or line of lyrics, while the classical piece is written around a few main articles and perhaps the entire melody.